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The Importance of Pest Control

Pests are organisms (including bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, and vertebrate animals) that damage or devalue crops, plants, lawns, gardens, homes, and other human structures. Pests can also displace native species and negatively affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Chemical controls include natural, biological, mechanical, and regulatory methods that directly or indirectly impact pest populations or limit access to environmental factors supporting their growth. Contact Pest Control Texas now!

Pest Prevention and Methods of Pest Control - Grainger KnowHow

Pests are rodents, insects and other organisms that injure or spoil property and create health hazards. Preventive measures reduce the number and impact of pests. Pest control methods include exclusion, repulsion, physical removal and chemicals. In addition to controlling the pest population, monitoring and education are also important for effective pest control.

Prevention is the most economical way to solve pest problems because it avoids the costs associated with treating or repairing damage caused by the pest. Almost all pest problems are preventable. A few simple steps can eliminate the problem before it starts. This includes avoiding attractants such as food spills and clutter, keeping food in sealed containers, using bug zappers in areas where pests are attracted to and making sure that doors and windows are kept closed.

The most common entry points for pests into homes are the gaps in the foundation, loose siding and roof eaves. Regular inspections can identify these areas and allow you to patch or seal them as soon as they are found. It is also a good idea to use insect screens on all outside doors and windows to prevent pests from entering through these holes.

Another problem is the accumulation of moisture. This can be caused by leaky pipes or blocked drains. It can also result from a lack of ventilation in rooms where humidity builds up. Humidity encourages wood rot and can lead to the growth of mites and other pests that can cause structural damage. To reduce humidity, air conditioning should be used and moist soil should be drained.

Pests also need water and will often go out of their way to access it. This is why it is so important to clean up spills as soon as they occur, keep compost bins in a secure location and to time outdoor irrigation of gardens to mornings when nocturnal animals are not active.

A regular maintenance program should also be undertaken to make sure that the roof and eaves are in good condition, gutters are cleaned out regularly and that the grass is not too close to the house. These simple precautions can help to prevent pest infestations and protect the investment of your home.


If pests infest a home, garden or business, they can cause damage and spoil crops. Some pests also carry diseases that can cause illness in humans and other animals. Prevention and suppression are the two main strategies for controlling pests. Prevention involves preventing pests from entering buildings and gardens by blocking points of entry, such as sealing cracks and repairing holes. In addition, it includes taking steps to remove sources of food, water and shelter that attract pests. It’s important to store food in sealed containers, remove garbage regularly and reduce areas where pests can hide.

Suppression is the use of control methods to reduce or eliminate a pest infestation after it has occurred. Control methods can include physical, biological and chemical techniques. Physical methods include traps, netting, sprays and baits. Biological controls include natural enemies, such as predators, parasites and pathogens, which can suppress pest populations without harming the environment or people. Augmentation biological control, which increases the number and kind of natural enemies in an area, is a common technique to reduce the impact of a harmful insect outbreak.

Using predators and parasites to control pests is one of the most common and effective natural methods for pest control. Birds, amphibians, fish and mammals prey on some pest species, while other predatory or parasitic insects and insect-like organisms kill or otherwise deplete the population of plant-eating pests. Similarly, pathogens can suppress the number of disease-causing agents in an insect population.

Chemical control methods can be used to destroy or sterilize certain types of pests, such as rodents and insects that infest homes and urban environments. However, the most successful methods for eradicating pests are combined with preventative and suppressive measures.

For example, repellents and pheromones can be used to keep rodents away from homes and businesses, while nematodes (microscopic, worm-like organisms) can be applied to the soil to kill roaches, fleas and grubs. Preventative and suppressive tactics work best when they are integrated with monitoring. Threshold-based decision-making is a key part of this approach. For example, a few wasps flying around the garden doesn’t warrant poisoning, but a steady stream of them can.


Pests can be controlled using a variety of methods, including physical control, biological pest control, and chemical control. Physical controls involve using traps and barriers to keep pests away from a property, while biological and chemical methods use natural predators or chemicals to kill or repel pests. These methods can be effective in controlling unwanted pests, but they may not be suitable for all properties.

Keeping pests at bay begins with a thorough inspection of the property. Look for places where pests are hiding or finding food or water. For example, a crack in the foundation or an overflowing trashcan are inviting entrance points for rodents. Stacks of rotting wood are an invitation to termites.

The inspection should also include a close look at the garden or landscaped area. This is where many pests find their way into homes and businesses. Remove any weeds that are too large and trim shrubs that are overgrown. In addition, get rid of fallen limbs and any other debris that would be a good place for a pest to build a nest or shelter.

If there is a need for a chemical treatment, make sure that it is approved for use on your plants. It is important to read the label carefully and follow all instructions for application. Mixing a pesticide improperly or applying it at the wrong time can be dangerous to people and pets.

Eradication is usually not the goal in outdoor pest situations, but eradication efforts are sometimes made when a particular species of plant or insect is considered to be invasive and harmful to local ecosystems. This type of eradication program is often supported by the government, as in the case of the Mediterranean fruit fly or the gypsy moth.

For most people, however, preventing pests is the most practical and economical approach to maintaining a healthy environment. Physical and biological methods are the best way to accomplish this, but in some cases it may be necessary to employ chemical pesticides to ensure that the health of the property and its occupants is protected.


Pest monitoring (also called scouting) is an important part of any integrated pest management program. It helps to detect pest problems early and allows for the evaluation of control tactics to determine whether they are working. This activity is also essential for establishing thresholds, which are the levels of pest populations at which a specific action should be taken to prevent unacceptable damage or injury.

Monitoring should include making a visual inspection of the field and taking samples of any pests detected. It should also involve identifying the pest species and collecting and interpreting field data, including when pests are present and how much crop damage they are causing. This information will help to decide whether or not an economic threshold has been reached and the appropriate time to begin controlling the pest.

It is also necessary to monitor for the presence of natural enemies in order to increase their numbers and effectiveness against a pest problem. This can be done through conservation of existing natural enemies, the introduction of new ones and the mass rearing and inundative release of natural enemies.

The judicious use of natural enemies can reduce the need for pesticides by reducing or delaying the time that a pest infestation needs to be controlled. It can also ensure that pesticides are applied at the correct life cycle stage to optimize their efficacy.

Many horticultural pests are highly dependent on the temperature of their environment for their development and can vary by two to three weeks from year to year. The use of phenology calendars or degree-day models can help to accurately monitor their development and provide a basis for the timing of control tactics.

In food processing facilities, it is important to monitor for pests that can cause health problems in humans such as rodents and cockroaches. These can be monitored by looking for signs of infestation such as droppings or gnaw marks on surfacesand through the use of pest control devices such as sticky boards, fly lights and pheromone traps. These devices should be placed throughout the facility and recorded on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis to evaluate their success in trapping and monitoring pests. This data can be used to trend improvements and identify areas where additional actions are needed.